Goddess Green Juice

Your Morning Goddess Goodness

Picture this: Your alarm clock goes off, you jump out of bed with vim and vigor, put on your yoga pants, and rush out the door. You start your day with energy and excitement!

If that doesn’t sound like your typical morning, step away from the coffee and instead, bust out your juicer and make our newest and favorite addition to the Goddess Retreats menu offering (we HAD to share it with our Goddesses at home!)

The lemon and ginger in this energizing green concoction will give just the boost you need to get your day started with a smile (instead of a yawn).

G R E E N  |  G O D D E S S  |  J U I C E
Serves: 1 Awakened Goddess


  • 1 inch ginger root
  • 1 large head organic spinach or Kale
  • handful of parsley
  • 3 small organic pears or apples
  • 1/2 lemon (no rind)
  • 1 cucumber


  • Wash all of the ingredients (distilled water is best, but not necessary)
  • Chop chop chop…and put in your juicer in the order on the recipe!

This morning juice is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and even protein it will also help to detox and cleanse your body and fill you with energy!
When enjoyed slowly, it is pleasantly filling and guilt-free as there is nothing else in it but goodness!

Enjoy With Love from our Kitchen in Bali x

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