There are so many things we do, say, and think that stop us from being powerful beings and being all that we can be. Often,…
Today be gentler with yourself because you above all else deserve your love and respect
Your Morning Goddess Goodness Picture this: Your alarm clock goes off, you jump out of bed with vim and vigor, put on your yoga pants,…
Most people internally cringe when they hear the word detox! Find out how detoxing doesn’t have to be hard.
Ujayii, the breath at the heart of most yoga asana practice, is oceanic in quality. Smooth, consistent, steady, audible. Teachers often instruct students to ride…
How we spend out days, is how we spend our years…and so each day has the potential to shape the destiny of our lives” –…
And what does a new year hold? Clean account books. Bare diaries. Three hundred and sixty-five new days, neatly parcelled into weeks, months, seasons.. A…